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Pictou County

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Pictonians at Home and Abroad

The preparation of this book has been a labor of love. Although the author has been called to spend most of his life in other and distant fields, he has never wavered in his devotion to the place of his birth and the friends of his youth. It has at times been his dearest hope to repay in some measure, by some serviceable deed, the debt of gratitude which he owes to his native land.

Hence the undertaking of this book, the aim of which is to rescue from oblivion the names, the deeds, the heroism of the pioneers of Pictou, and to show how notable a contribution, in men and women, the county has made to the intellectual life and growth of the country. Read more...


The Pioneers Of Pictou

The Hope People

The Hector People

The Scotland People

Early Settlers of East River

The Religious History Of The County

Second Session

River John Congregation Organized

Church Made Rapid Growth

Church in the Western Part of the County

Denominations in the History of the County

Roman Catholics

Church of England

Baptist Society

Methodist Church

Presbyterian Church

Home Mission Board

Pictonians in the Pulpit

Clergymen born in Pictou Town

Ministers and Churches in New Glasgow

Ministers born and bred in New Glasgow

East River and Bridgeville Churches and Ministers
Ministers Born On East River
Ministers and Churches in Hopewell
Ministers Born and brought up in Hopewell District
Ministers and Churches in Stellarton
Ministers Born In Stellarton And Riverton
Ministers and Churches of Middle River and Westville
Ministers of Middle River, Westville and Gairloch
The Ministers and Churches of Middle River Including Westville and Gairloch
Ministers Born in the McLennan's Mountain Section
Ministers And Churches In Merigomish, Sutherland's River, Thorburn, Little Harbor And Bailey's Brook
Ministers Born and Bred in Merigomish, Sutherland's River District
Ministers And Churches In West River And Green Hill
Names Of Ministers Born West River And Green Hill District
Ministers And Churches Of Scotsburn, Including Rogers Hill And Plainfield
Ministers Born In Scotsburn District
Ministers And Churches In The Saltsprings District
Ministers Born And Brought Up In Saltsprings District
Ministers In The Scotch Hill, Hardwood Hill And Cariboo District
Ministers and Churches in River John District
Ministers Born And Brought Up In River John District

Pictonians In The Medical Profession

List of Physicians

The Bench And The Bar

Names who entered the legal profession from Pictou County, Nova Scotia

The Story Of Pictou Academy

The College Period, 1816 to 1831

The Grammar School Period, 1832 to 1844

The Union Academy Period, 1845 to 1864

The Special Academy Period, 1864 to 1884

The County Academy Period, 1885

Pictou Educationists

Short Biographies of Educators

List of Educators

Pictonians In Foreign Fields

Others in Foreign Service

Women in Missionary Service

The Press And Printers Of Pictou

Pictou In Politics

Men who served Nova Scotia

Pictou In The Business World

New Glasgow in the Business World

A Final Word

Pictonians at Home and Abroad, 1914


Nova Scotia Genealogy

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