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Ministers and Churches in Merigomish, Sutherland's River and other towns

Ministers And Churches In Merigomish, Sutherland's River, Thorburn, Little Harbor And Bailey's Brook

The present church at Merigomish was built in 1869. The French River Church, in 1861 or 1862. The two churches maintained a separate existence from 1860 to about 1895, when they were united into one charge. The ministers in order of induction were: Revs. Wm. Patrick, A. P. Miller, K. J. Grant, H. McD. Scott, Daniel McGregor, C. S. Lord, Wm. R. Muir, Alex. Campbell, and A. S. Weir. The present pastor is A. F. Fisher, B. D., April 13, 1911.

Rev. Mr. Cock of Truro preached the first sermon in Merigomish at Morrison's house, about 1784. The first elders were Walter Murray, John Small, and George Roy.

The first settlers at Sutherland's River were from the Highlands of Scotland. The River was named after Sutherland, whose son, John, was the first child baptized belonging to Sutherland's River. Feb. 3, 1854 a site was bought for a church and the people proceeded to build. The congregation was made up of members from the three branches of the Presbyterian Church: the Kirk, the Free Church and the Presbyterian Church of N. S., united. This was the first union Presbyterian Church in the Province.

The Congregation of Thorburn was organized in 1875, and the two made one charge. Rev. W. T. Bruce, M.D. was called in 1876, and resigned in Jan. 1881. Rev. Isaac Murray, D.D. was inducted pastor in 1882; Rev. A. W. McLeod 1885; Rev. James A. Mackenzie 1899. His successor was Rev. John Harris, 1912. James W. McLean has been clerk of the Session for 28 years, and choir leader for over 40 years.

The Little Harbor Congregation was organized in 1864, and Rev. J. A. F. Sutherland was the first pastor. He was followed by Rev. Wm. Maxwell in 1868, who also had charge of Fisher's Grant. During his ministry the church was built. He resigned in 1880, and the pastors who succeeded him were: Revs. Robert Laird, McLeod Harvey, John B. Maclean, John W. Penman, R. J. Douglass, A. D. McIntosh and A. J. McDonald (1910) the present pastor.

Additional Resources

Ministers Born and Bred in Merigomish, Sutherland's River District

Pictonians at Home and Abroad, 1914


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