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The Hope People
The beginnings of history making in Pictou were
modest; but they were highly promising if there is aught of force in
the adage which says that well begun is half done. There was good
augury in the very name of the brig "Hope," the first immigrant
vessel which dropped anchor in the Harbor. Yet the future importance
of Pictou was probably not even dreamed of by those connected with
the little brig. At that time the enterprise doubtless looked
hopeful mainly from a land speculator's point of view.
The "Hope," bearing officers of the Philadelphia Company, so called,
and the families of half a dozen intending settlers, arrived at
Pictou from Philadelphia, on June 10, 1767. The Company had obtained
a Royal grant of 180,000 acres of land in the district. To this
grant were attached the usual stringent settlement conditions. It
was in compliance with those conditions that the expedition had been
sent out. The families who came by the "Hope," according to Dr.
Patterson, were: Dr. John Harris, agent of the Company and his wife;
Robert Patterson, the Company's surveyor, his wife and five
children; James McCabe, his wife and six children; John Rogers, his
wife and four children; Henry Cumminger, his wife and four or five
children; and a sixth family of unknown name it may have been Hand.
There is on record in the Pictou Registry, a deed to Recompense Hand
of land adjoining that originally taken up by John Rogers.
Of these pioneers the only name which has remained continuously
prominent in the County, is that of Harris. J. Sim. Harris, the High
Sheriff, is a lineal descendant, in the fourth generation, of Dr.
John Harris. He is the fourth Sheriff in succession in that family.
None but a Harris has ever been Sheriff of Pictou County.
No descendant of Robert Patterson, bearing his name, is now resident
within the County, although his blood runs in the veins of a number
of well known Pictou families. A few of McCabe's descendants bearing
his name are to be found in the County. John Rogers gave his name to
the district since known as Rogers Hill. His descendants are few,
the most distinguished of them being Rev. Anderson Rogers of
Halifax, late Moderator of the Presbyterian Synod of the Maritime
Provinces. The Cumminger name early disappeared from the County.
The courageous little band which came in the "Hope" had to encounter
the usual trials and difficulties of pioneer settlers in a densely
wooded country, remote from human neighborhood. But they had
plentiful supplies; were busy making improvements, and were cheered
from time to time by the arrival of other families and individuals
to join their settlement. Of the early followers of the "Hope" from
Philadelphia the most important were Rev. James Lyon, a large
shareholder of the Company, and Matthew Harris, an elder brother of
Dr. John, who settled on the Davidson farm at West River, above the
Saw Mill bridge.
Additional settlers came from Truro. Of these the most noteworthy
was William Kennedy, who located at the mouth of what has since been
known as Saw Mill Brook, where he erected, in 1769, the mill from
which the stream took its name. This mill was the first frame
building erected in the County.
Up to the 1st of January 1770, there had been 67 arrivals and four
births at Pictou. But 36 had removed or died, and the total
population was 84. The first census, then taken, sets forth that the
settlement possessed 6 horses, 16 oxen, 16 cows, 16 young cattle, 37
sheep and 10 swine. Dr. Harris is credited with the ownership of a
fishing boat and a small vessel, the pioneer of Pictou's subsequent
extensive mercantile fleet. The settlers had that year harvested 64
bushels of wheat and 60 of oats.
The heads of families were: John Harris, Robert Patterson, Robert
McFadden, Henry Cumminger, James McCabe, Nathan Smith, Rev. James
Lyon, Barnabas McGee, William Kennedy, Moses Blaisdell, William
Aiken, George Oughterson, Thomas Skead, Matthew Harris, Barnett
McNutt, James Archibald, Charles McKay and Robert Dickey.
The "town" or centre of the settlement, was located opposite Brown's
Point, at the mouth of Haliburton Creek, since generally known as
the "Town Gut." This most unsuitable site had to be accepted because
when the Philadelphia settlers arrived, Colonel McNutt, that
notorious Nova Scotia land grabber, had secured a grant of all the
shore lands from Brown's Point to the mouth of Pictou Harbor, and
thence around the coast to Cariboo Harbor. It was not until the
escheating of McNutt's grant that the Harbor front was made
available for settlement. After that, a village sprang up at Norway
House Point. But it was only at a considerably later date that the
present Town site began to be occupied.
The nearest settlement to Pictou was at the head of Cobequid Bay,
near what is now, the town of Truro. It was imperative that a safe
means of access to this settlement, then known as Cobequid, should
be immediately opened up. Accordingly, one of the first cares of the
"Hope" settlers was to have a trail laid out between the two places.
This path, known as the "Cobequid Road," was in no true sense of the
word a road; but it served most useful purposes. It was free from
dangerous obstructions; was clear cut and direct, and could be
easily traversed on foot or horseback.
It seems rather singular that exact knowledge of the location of
this most important land route should so soon have perished. Even
Dr. Patterson appears to have been able to secure only vague
information as to the location of parts of it. But it can be clearly
traced through the land Registry office. The Cobequid Road followed
the line of the present West River Road from the Town Gut to
"Belmont," the Evans farm. Thence it ran along the West River "old
road" to a point near Leithead's stone house. Thence it struck
across the face of the hill back of Durham, following exactly the
south west line of James D. Maclellan's lands, and came out near the
late Robert Patterson's house. Thence, following the same direction,
it crossed Auchincairn to the Four Mile Brook Road, a short distance
from the house of the late Thomas Rogers, Postmaster. Thence it
followed the present Brook Roads to Mount Thom, over the top of
which it passed, and thence down the Salmon River to Cobequid, now
Lower Truro. The complete oblivion into which the very existence of
this road had fallen, even among the grand children of the settlers
to whom it had been so important, was curiously illustrated some
forty years ago when a rusted cannon ball was picked up in the woods
at Auchincairn. There was much speculation in the district at the
time, as to how this old round shot could possibly have come there.
It was not until long afterwards that recovered knowledge of the
actual course of the Cobequid Road suggested a partial, but only a
partial, explanation of the mystery. By whom or for what purpose
such a piece of property as a cannon ball was being transported
through the woods between Truro and Pictou, over the Cobequid Road,
and how it came to be dropped in such a spot, cannot even be
guessed. The Cobequid Road is said to have been laid out by Thomas
Archibald and John Otterson of Truro assisted by John Rogers.
The "Hope" pioneers with the exception of Rogers' family, and
possibly one other family, were all located along the north side of
the West River estuary, from the Town Gut to the "Harbor Head," when
the ship "Hector" with her contingent arrived.
The Truro settlers had been advised of the coming of the "Hope," and
had sent a delegation to meet and welcome those on board. The
delegation consisted of Samuel Archibald, father of the afterwards
famous S. G. W. Archibald, John Otterson, Thomas Troop and Ephraim
Howard. Tradition says that the two last mentioned bestowed their
names as they passed on the outstanding hills still known as Mount
Thom and Mount Ephraim.
The whole County was densely wooded at that time. On the shores of
the Harbor, extending up the river valleys and clothing the hills
were magnificent growths of pine, almost every tree a gigantic model
of its kind. The grove which covered the present site of the town is
said to have been notably fine. To the north, more particularly
around the shores of Cariboo, there were splendid stretches of
Oakland. The coast waters and streams were overflowing with fish,
the woods with game. With shelter, fuel and food thus at hand in
richest abundance, the original pioneer band and the succeeding
parties of settlers can scarcely have suffered the harrowing
experiences which later imaginations have conjured up. No doubt they
endured certain trials, and privations, like all pioneers. But they
were young and vigorous; and their healthy joys must have far more
than counterbalanced their troubles. The physical delights of
pioneering are too often overlooked in listening to the
reminiscences of old men and women regarding their youthful days in
the wilds.
One thing is certain the children of the pioneers never ceased to
regret the good old times, "the golden age" of their youth, when
they and their neighbors' young folk gathered in the evenings,
around blazing wood fires in wide, hospitable, log cabin chimney
places, and when social intercourse had a peculiar freedom and
charm, which was sadly missed in later and supposedly more happy
years, of greater seeming comfort.
The "Hope" settlers had completed the political organization of the
Pictou district, and their members had been materially increased
from other sources before the next large band of immigrants joined
them, six years later. These are facts which should be duly kept in
mind, because they suggest a very different idea of the relative
importance of the two first bands of pioneers than that generally
entertained. They also shed valuable light on the real condition of
the Pictou settlement when the ship "Hector" arrived in 1773.
Effective municipal government had, at that date, been established.
The following is a list of its officials in February, 1775:
John Harris Clerk of District
Robert Meresom
John Harris, Overseers of Poor
James Fulton
Moses Blaisdale
William Kennedy, Surveyors of Lumber
William Aiken, Constable
James Fulton, Clerk of Market
Abraham Slater, Culler of Fish
Pictonians at Home and Abroad, 1914
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