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Ministers and Churches in Hopewell

Hopewell is a village of about 450 people, with a beautiful country surrounding it. The first church was built in 1820, one and a half miles above the village. Rev. John Macrae was the first minister, 1827-1844. His son, Rev. Donald Macrae, succeeded him, 1857-1859. He returned a second time, in 1870, and remained four years.

It was during his first ministry that St. Columba's Church was built in 1859. From 1860 to 1869 Rev. Simon McGregor was minister. He was succeeded by the Rev. Peter Galbraith 1875; the Rev. Peter Melville 1881, the Rev. Homer Putman 1893, Rev. John Macintosh 1898, and the present Pastor, Rev. C. Munro 1908.

Union Church, Hopewell was organized in 1854. The present church was completed and opened in 1857. The first minister was Rev. John Mackinnon. He was inducted in 1858, and served the Church for eighteen years. He was a preacher of great vigor, and a most faithful pastor. The Rev. A. Maclean, D.D., was his worthy successor, 1877-1891. The first elders were Peter Ross, Robt. Munro, John McLean, Robt. Dunbar, Thomas Grant, Daniel Shaw, Enon McDonald and Angus McPhie. Rev. Simon Fraser was pastor in 1892; Rev. Wm. McNichol, in. 1895; Rev. Hugh Miller, 1908, and the present minister, Rev. Geo. A. Logan, 1912. The Ferrona Church was an off-shoot from the Hopewell congregation. It was organized March 3, 1896. Revs. W. H. Smith, A. M. Thompson and J. F. Polley have served it as pastors.

Additional Resources

Ministers Born and brought up in this District

Pictonians at Home and Abroad, 1914


Pictou County

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