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Ministers and Churches in West River and Green Hill

Ministers And Churches In West River And Green Hill

The West River is one of the oldest congregations in the County. Rev. Duncan Ross took the pastoral oversight of the congregation in 1795 and continued to be pastor for 39 years. He was succeeded by his son, Rev. James Ross, D. D., who was inducted in 1835, and resigned in 1852.

James Watson followed him and remained for 5 years. In 1858 the congregation was divided into two separate charges. The one known as Central Church called Rev. James Thomson and the other congregation, Rev. George Roddick. At the close of 20 years' service, both resigned, when a reunion was affected, in 1879, and Rev. A. W. McLeod settled as pastor. In 1886 Rev. J. F. Forbes was inducted and Green Hill was united with West River. Rev. J. R. Coffin was called in 1895 and Rev. C. J. Crowdis in 1907.
The present pastor is Rev. A. H. Foster, inducted in 1913. The West River congregation has always been a centre of educational and missionary endeavor.

The church at Green Hill was built in 1848. Rev. George Patterson, D.D., was the first minister, inducted 1849, resigned 1876. Rev. William Stuart was pastor 1877 to 1884. The other pastors were: Revs. Forbes, Coffin, Crowdis and Foster.

Additional Resources

Names Of Ministers Born West River And Green Hill District

Pictonians at Home and Abroad, 1914


Pictou County

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