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Tribes of Canada

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Hydah Indians of Canada

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Indian Tribes of Canada

Researching Indian ancestors can be among the most difficult of all your genealogy research.  We have provided several books on these pages to aid you in your research, links to information we have found on line and some suggestions on how to research your Indian Ancestors.

General Indian Resources

Chronicles of Canada 5/16/06

The Jesuits in North America in the Seventeenth Century 03/15/06

Mound Builders03/16/06

Passamawquoddy Folklore03/16/06

Indian Linguistic Families of America North of Mexico 12/27/2005

Notes of a Twenty-Five Years Service in the Hudson's Bay Territory 10/15/2005

The Dawn of Canadian History, A Chronicle of Aboriginal Canada 10/15/2005

The Indian Tribes of North of America Canada, by John Swanton, 1953

Canadian Tribal Resources (hosted at Native American Nations)

Handbook of American Indians, 1906 (Tribes that traveled between Canada and the United States)

Villages of the Algonquian, Siouan, and Caddoan Tribes West of the Mississippi

British Columbia

Hydah Indians of Canada, 1884

Chief Nin-Ging-Wash

Chief Skidegate

Doctor Modeets

A Gambling Scene


The Micmac Indians At Bay D'Espoir

Report of Mr. W. E. Cormack's Journey in search of the Red Indians in Newfoundland 10/15/2005


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