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Fenian Mobilization at Malone, N.Y., and Elsewhere
Fenian Mobilization at Malone and Elsewhere--Gen.
Meade's Prompt Action Stops the Invasion--Arrest of Gen. Sweeny and
The principal points of rendezvous for the Fenians
who were intended to operate on the St. Lawrence frontier were
Ogdensburg, Watertown, Malone and Potsdam, in the State of New York,
and at these places large bodies of men began concentrating during
the first two or three days in June. General Sweeny was in personal
command of the troops of the Irish Republican Army in that
department, and had made every arrangement to invade Canada along
that line, in accordance with his original plan of campaign. He made
his headquarters at Ogdensburg for a time, and from there directed
the mobilization of his columns for the contemplated attacks on
Prescott, Cornwall and other points on the Canadian border.
Meanwhile Gen. Michael J. Heffernan, Gen. Murphy, and Gen. O'Reilly,
were at Malone, N.Y., perfecting the military organization of the
column which was intended to attack Cornwall. These officers were
all old soldiers, who had held commands in the United States service
during the Civil War, and were well posted in the business they had
on hand.
While the Fenian leaders were thus employed in getting their forces
ready for the movement across the line, Major-General Geo. Meade
(the commander of the United States troops) was equally active and
vigilant in his determined efforts to stop the promised invasion. He
ordered the seizure by the United States officials of all arms and
ammunitions of war intended for use by the Fenians that could be
located on American territory, and forbade the railways and other
transportation companies from carrying further supplies of such
material to the frontier. These orders were rigidly complied with,
and seizures of arms and ammunition were made at Rouse's Point,
Malone, Potsdam, Ogdensburg, Watertown, St. Albans and other places,
which considerably disconcerted Gen. Sweeny's plans and thwarted his
whole scheme. The presence of United States troops, which had been
moved north from various military stations to support Gen. Meade in
his efforts to prevent another breach of the Neutrality Act, also
had a deterrent effect on the Fenians, and they became disheartened.
On the afternoon of the 4th of June, Major-General Meade ordered the
United States Marshal at Watertown, N.Y., to intercept, seize and
hold two carloads of Fenian war material which were on the way from
Rome to Potsdam Junction and Malone. On arrival of the train at
Watertown the Deputy Marshal was in waiting and promptly carried out
the instructions. A carload of Fenian soldiers who were on the same
train got off the car and angrily remonstrated with the officer when
they learned of the seizure, but he was obdurate and retained
possession of the two cars, which he had side-tracked. The Fenians
remained at Watertown and began plotting for the recapture of the
arms and ammunition. Not realizing that any interference with the
majesty of the law would be attempted, the Marshal did not deem it
necessary to place a strong guard over the two cars, and the Fenians
determined to re-possess them. On arrival of the evening express
train from the south they gathered around it and captured not only
that train, but their two cars of supplies, and taking charge
themselves, ran the whole outfit off to De Kalb Junction before they
were recaptured. Several other instances of defiance of lawful
authority were reported, but Gen. Meade meant business, and
these infractions of his orders and the laws of the United States
only served to make him more determined than ever to strangle the
hopes of the Fenians before they had an opportunity of carrying out
their designs.
President Johnson's Proclamation.
The tardy proclamation of President Johnson was
finally issued on the 6th of June, almost a week after the Fenians,
under Gen. O'Neil had crossed over the Niagara. Its delay seemed
significant to the Canadian people, as the President and his Cabinet
were fully aware that the Fenians had been making active
preparations for months previously to invade Canada, and made no
secret of their intentions. The following is the text of the
By the President of the United States of America--A Proclamation.
Whereas, it has become known to me that certain evil-disposed
persons have, within the territory and jurisdiction of the United
States, begun and set on foot, and have provided and prepared, and
are still engaged in providing and preparing, means for such a
military expedition and enterprise to be carried on from territory
and jurisdiction of the United States against colonies, districts
and people of British North America within the dominions of the
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, with which said
colonies, districts, and people, and kingdom, the United States are
at peace; and whereas, the proceedings aforesaid constitute a high
misdemeanor, forbidden by the laws of the United States as well as
by the laws of nations;
Now, therefore, for the purpose of preventing the carrying on of the
unlawful expedition and enterprise aforesaid from the territory and
jurisdiction of the United States, and to maintain the public peace,
as well as the national honor, and enforce obedience and respect to
the laws of the United States;
I, Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, do admonish and
warn all good citizens of the United States against taking part in
or in anywise aiding, countenancing or abetting such unlawful
proceedings; and I do exhort all judges, magistrates, marshals and
officers in the service of the United States to employ all their
lawful authority and power to prevent and defeat the aforesaid
unlawful proceedings, and to arrest and bring to justice all persons
who may be engaged therein, and in pursuance to the Act of Congress
in such cases made and provided.
I do further authorize and empower Major-General G. G. Meade,
Commander of the Military Division of the Atlantic, to employ the
land and naval forces of the United States, and militia thereof, to
arrest and pre vent the setting on foot and carrying on the
expedition and enterprise aforesaid.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the
seal of the United States to be affixed.
Done in the City of Washington the sixth day of June, in the year of
our Lord 1866, and in the independence of the United States the
Andrew Johnson.
By the President, WM. H. Seward, Secretary of State.
Although President Johnson did not issue his neutrality proclamation
until the 6th of June, orders had previously been issued to United
States officers to stop further invasions, and Gen. Meade exhibited
great energy and promptness in carrying out instructions so far as
his Department was concerned. Fenians were gathering in thousands,
with the understanding that their equipment would be at the border
on their arrival, but the bulk of the coveted armament was prevented
from falling into their hands owing to the watchfulness of Gen.
Meade's staff of officials. This action on the part of the United
States authorities deeply incensed the Fenian leaders, and they were
disposed to resent any interference with their plans. During an
interview between Gen. Meade and the Fenian Generals Heffernan and
Murphy, at Malone, the former complained of the interference of the
United States Government, and bitterly remarked: "We have been lured
on by the Cabinet, and used for the purpose of Mr. Seward. They
encouraged us on to this thing. We bought our rifles from your
arsenals, and were given to understand that you would not interfere.
But this thing is not dead yet. We will succeed. We have our orders
from General Sweeny, and we can and will perform them. If we get
arms we will cross into Canada. We shall fight your regulars if they
oppose us." General Meade replied: "I have got orders, too, and I
shall fight you to enforce the neutrality laws."
In the performance of his duty Gen. Meade was inflexible, and would
not stand any bluff or bluster from the Fenian leaders. On the
contrary, he became very aggressive in compelling them to respect
the laws and authority of the United States, and largely through his
firmness and stern efforts the whole Fenian campaign was abandoned.
Arrest of President Roberts.
On the 8th of June the United States Government
caused the arrest of Col. W. B. Roberts, President of the Irish
Republic, on a charge of conspiracy and violation of the Neutrality
Act. He was brought before United States Commissioner Betts, at New
York, and committed to jail pending a hearing of his case. From the
quiet precincts of his contracted quarters he issued several
proclamations, which teemed with gasconade and valiant promises, of
which the following is a sample:
Ludlow St. Jail, New York, June 11, 1866. To the Fenian Brotherhood
and Irishmen of America:
Friends and Countrymen,--The Irish people of America are again
united in the cause of Irish independence and universal freedom. The
cheer which arose from the Irish soldiers at Limestone Ridge as the
English foe went fleeing before their avenging steel, had found a
responsive echo in every Irish heart and made us one in love,
purpose and resolve. We see, after ages of your oppression, the
unquenchable desire for Irish independence blaze forth anew, and as
it sweeps along the cities and prairies of this vast continent it
gathers within its magic influence five millions of Irish hearts and
twice five millions of friends of freedom and foes of despotism!
Arise, then, my countrymen! Nerve yourselves for the struggle so
nobly commenced. Cast aside every consideration that would darken
the bright hopes of your enslaved countrymen. Be true to liberty,
your country, and your God; and your native land, instead of being a
lazar-house of slavery, will soon be the garden of freedom. Stand by
the cause! Be not dismayed by obstacles you meet; you must surmount
them, and you will. Let cowardice and ignorance desert and denounce
you--what of that? The true men are still with us, and the struggle
must not be abandoned, even though our soldiers should be compelled
through the over-zeal of United States officers to abandon the
present campaign. There is no turning back for us, my countrymen.
Our movement must and will advance. Retrogression would entail
certain infamy and bring a deeper stain upon your country and race,
and it is as legitimate for you to attack English power in Canada as
it was for England to attack France there, or France and America
England. Remember, in union there is strength, and that Union which
has been cemented by the blood of our gallant brothers must be
eternal, and let that man be anathemized and banned who with lying
lip or evil heart would dare to weaken or dissolve it. Be true to
Ireland--steadfast in the right and undismayed by obstacles, and
remember that--
"Freedom's battle once begun--
Bequeathed from bleeding sire
to son--
Though baffled oft, is ever
I remain, with unchanged determination and regard, your countryman,
Wm. R. Roberts, President Fenian Brotherhood.
While President Roberts was busy in penning his proclamations and
exhorting his deluded followers to stand by the cause and "keep
their powder dry" for a future attempt, the Revolutionary Committee
of the Irish Republic were also sending out appeals to all lovers of
Republican liberty, invoking further aid, from one of which
circulars the following is an extract:
Let the Irish citizens in particular send in commissary stores, such
as bread, meat, coffee, sugar, etc., just what each one would like
at home. We want all the money you can raise for other
purposes--what purposes the people can guess. Let no person imagine
that the cause is defeated or that the men who have sworn to free
their native land or die, will abandon their cause. A few
over-zealous officials have placed some obstacles in our way. The
voice of the great American people is at last heard in her halls of
Congress, not from a single individual, but from the representatives
of thirty, millions, and true to her natural instincts, they raise
their voices for the oppressed. God bless them! They will raise many
an anxious spirit through the world and make tyrants tremble on
their thrones as the cry goes forth, "America is the defender of
liberty." Let the people take heart throughout the land. Call
meetings, pass resolutions, pledge support to the men who inscribe
on their banner universal liberty. Be patient, but work! work!
Collect money. Have your men ready, and when the cry of fight goes
forth, let them come as individuals if they cannot come as companies
or regiments.
As a large number of Fenians had gathered at Malone with very
hostile intentions, Gen. Meade gave particular attention to the
marauders who had mustered there. They had taken possession of the
old military barracks at Malone, and were running the town to suit
their own inclinations. As the days wore on and the prospects of
their receiving arms and supplies to equip the invaders became more
and more remote, the leaders chafed, fumed and fretted alternately,
and finally became absolutely discouraged. Their fondest hopes were
blasted, and they bitterly berated the United States Government in
blasphemous language for stopping their expeditions. While the
officers were in this frame of mind, their soldiers were worse. They
were living on short rations, and their promise of a pleasant
sojourn in "The Land of Plenty," where they hoped to revel in all
the luxuries of life (when they captured it), was likely to prove
but an empty dream. They were becoming turbulent and demonstrative,
and it was finally found necessary to invoke the majesty of military
power to keep them in subjection. Desertions were now frequent, and
they had become a disorganized mob rather than a disciplined army.
As this state of affairs was a menace to the public safety of the
citizens of Malone. Gen. Meade took a firm grasp of the situation
and issued the following order:
Malone, N.Y., June 9th, 1866.
All persons assembled at this place in connection with, and in aid
of the Fenian organization for the purpose of invading Canada, are
hereby ordered, in compliance with the President's proclamation, to
desist from their enterprise and disband. The men of the
expeditionary force will, on application to the officer in command
of the United States forces, on giving their names and residences,
and satisfying him that they are unable to provide their own
transportation, be provided with transportation to their homes; and
all officers below the rank of field officers who are unable to
provide their own transportation, on giving their parole to abandon
the enterprise, will be allowed to return to their homes; officers
above the rank of field officers will be required to give such bonds
as may be satisfactory to the civil authorities; it being the
determination of the United States Government to preserve
neutrality, and the most stringent measures having been taken to
prevent all accessions of men and material, the Commanding General
trusts that these liberal offers will have the effect of causing the
expedition, now hopeless, to be quietly and peaceably abandoned; and
he confidently expects that all those who have any respect for the
authority of the United States will conform to the requirements of
the President's proclamation; and of this, which if not promptly
obeyed, a sufficient force will be brought to bear to compel
(Signed) George G. Meade, Major-General, U.S.A.
In compliance with this order, the majority of the men immediately
gave their paroles, and for the next day or two trains were filled
with the discomfitted warriors returning to their homes. All
thoughts of the capture of Canada had vanished, and peace reigned
once more on the border line.
The day previous, while Gen. Sweeny and Col. Meehan were actively
engaged in mobilizing troops and directing operations on the Vermont
frontier, warrants were served upon them by the United States
authorities for violation of the Neutrality Act. They were arraigned
before the United States Commissioner at Burlington, Vt., when they
waived examination, and bail was fixed for Sweeny at $20,000 and
Meehan at $5,000, to appear for trial at the July term of the United
States District Court. Meanwhile other prominent leaders were being
arrested at other points. With the President, the Secretary of War,
and other members of the Irish Republican Cabinet under arrest, and
many others of lesser note being "wanted" by American officers for
infractions of the law, the hopes of the invaders sank below zero,
and their warlike zeal vanished away.
Fenianism in Congress.
As nearly all of the prominent Fenian leaders had
been placed under arrest for transgression of United States laws,
and quite a number of their deluded followers who were captured in
Canada were confined in Canadian prisons awaiting trial, the
seriousness of their offences began to dawn upon the minds of those
implicated in the movement. The good offices of the United States
Government were then eagerly sought by their friends and supporters
to get them out of the meshes of the net, and earnest appeals were
made to the State Department for some action along these lines.
Every possible pressure was brought to bear on Congress and the
United States Senate to secure the influence of those two important
legislative bodies in taking up the Fenian cause. But it was a
delicate question to handle, and although there were some
Congressmen who introduced the matter into the House of
Representatives, and made fiery speeches in support of their
resolutions, the majority failed to concur, as they rightly
conjectured that if the United States gave the Fenians the
recognition and liberty of action they desired, it might end in
embroiling them in war with Great Britain, for which they were not
On June 11th, 1866, Congressman Ancona, of Pennsylvania, offered the
following preamble and resolution in the United States Congress:
Whereas, the Irish people and their brothers and friends in this
country are moved by a patriotic purpose to assist the independence
and re-establish the nationality of Ireland, and whereas the active
sympathies of the people of the United States are naturally with all
men who struggle to achieve such ends, more especially, when those
engaged therein are the known friends of our Government, as are the
people of the Irish race, they having shed their blood in defence of
our flag in every battle of every war in which the Republic has been
engaged; and whereas the British Government against which they are
struggling is entitled to no other or greater consideration from us,
a nation, than that demanded by the strict letter of international
law, for the reason that during our late Civil War that Government
did in effect, by its conduct repeal its neutrality laws; and
whereas when reparation is demanded for damages to our commerce,
resulting from the wilful neglect of Great Britain to enforce the
same, she arrogantly denies all responsibility, and claims to be the
judge in her own cause; and whereas the existence of the neutrality
law of 1818 compels the executive department of this Government to
discriminate most harshly against those who have ever been, and are
now, our friends, in favor of those who have been faithless, not
only to the general principles of comity which should exist between
friendly States, but also to the written law of their own nation on
this subject; therefore, be it resolved, that the Committee on
Foreign Affairs be instructed to report a bill repealing an Act
approved April 20th, 1818, it being the neutrality law, under the
terms of which the President's proclamation against the Fenians was
It is needless to say that the good sense of Congress prevailed, and
the resolution was consigned to the morgue which is the receptacle
for all undesirable resolutions.
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Fenian Raids of 1866 - 1870
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